
A few years ago after I graduated from college, a week before I moved back to Texas, I got to visit the Spiral Jetty with a few friends. Guys, have you done this? In-credible. The ridiculously long and completely out-of-the-way drive is totally worth it.

Taylor and I have started to compile our list of summer funtivities (term coined by Lauren), and I think he would really get a kick out of the jetty. For those who are not familiar, the Spiral Jetty is an outdoor sculpture that was created by Robert Smithson in the seventies. And it rocks.

Here is a fun fact from Wiki:

At the time of Spiral Jetty’s construction, the water level of the lake was unusually low due to drought. Within a few years, the water level returned to a normal level, submerging the jetty for the next three decades.

THREE DECADES?! I would still be under-water for 2.5 years if I was a jetty instead of a jenny!

Anyway. It is really incredible. I can’t wait to go back. I’ll just have to make sure it’s not underwater before driving a billion miles on a road made of rocks and scissors.

Here are some photos my friends and I took at the jetty a few years ago for your viewing pleasure. If you have the chance to go- GO!


spiral jetty jen 2009 053











/ Photos by me, Rebecca Pletsch and Jen Watson /